Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Causes of global warming, Effects of global warming:

Global warming and climate change are phrases that have been around for some time now, and refer to the warming of Earth's atmosphere resulting in higher world temperatures. Each chapter in this book deals with a specific and relevant aspect of the problem, from the Amazon Rainforest to How do hurricanes form. Earth's atmosphere comprises many gases, collectively called Greenhouse gases. The greenhouse effect created by these gases maintains the Earth at a comfortable 15 degrees Celsius. Without the greenhouse effect the Earth would be a chilly minus 18 degrees Celsius.

Since the industrial revolution we know from ice core records that carbon dioxide levels were about 280 parts of CO2 per million parts of air (ppm). As a result of industrialisation resulting in deforestation for agriculture and settlements and burning fossil fuels levels of greenhouse gases have increased by 37% to about 385 ppm.

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