Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Implement steps against global warming

1. Change standard incandescent light bulbs in your home and place of work. Use compact fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs. Compact fluorescent bulbs use less electricity, give off the same amount of light and are less expensive to use. This will help the environment and save you on your electric bill.

2. Replace old electronics and other appliances with energy efficient ones. Many stores carry energy efficient model appliances such as stoves, refrigerators, washer and dryers and air conditioners. You will be able to easily identify these appliances with the energy

3. Lessen your electrical usage. This can easily be accomplished by making sure lights are turned off in rooms where no one is present. Also, unplug all non-essential appliances (DVD players, stereos, televisions and more) when they are not being used and this will cut down on what is known as phantom load that occurs with appliance that still draw energy even when not being used.

4. Install water saving shower heads and faucets. These utilize a low-flow system that will allow the homeowner to use half the amount of water, while not hindering performance and function. Keeping with water conservation, it can benefit the environment and the consumer greatly to turn down the hot water heater temperature to 120 degrees F. This is a simple way to do your part in the fight against global warming, while seeing hot water costs going down.

5. Switch to environmentally and globally safe cleaning products. These products are commonly known as "green" products because they are safe for the environment. So, look for products that are "eco-friendly."

6. Learn to recycle. In most every community in the United States, there is a recycling program initiative. Recycling paper, plastics, glass products and metals can dramatically cut down on the pollutant gases that are emitted at landfills. Also, learn to buy products that are made from recycled material.

7. Plant some trees. One of the biggest problems about global warming stems from foresting practices like logging and slash and burn farming. Combine this with intensive livestock practices that are incorporated by big farm corporations and you have the main reason for 90 percent of forests in the United States being destroyed. Destroying forests only adds more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere since trees absorb carbon dioxide. So, plant a tree and shade your neighborhood naturally.

8. Tune up your car periodically. Make sure your tires are inflated properly because this can lessen the amount of gas your car has to burn. For two car families, try to drive the car that gets better gas mileage more often.

9. Leave the car at home. Whenever possible, walk, bicycle or use public transportation. This will cut down on harmful car emissions released into the environment.

10. Switch to organic food products. These products are produced through environmentally sound means and are healthier for human consumption. Many of these organic food products are commonly found in today's grocery store, making it easier to switch to these more nutritious and environmentally safe products. There are organic eggs, cheeses, milk, meats, fruits and vegetables and breads. The selection is in abundance; but it is up to you to make this simple switch which can send a strong message to corporate farms that utilize non-environmentally safe practices to produce food.

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